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发布日期:2019-09-17     作者: bat365官网登录入口     浏览数:    分享到:




1. 煤及矿物浮选基础理论;

2. 煤炭深度清洁与提质加工;

3. 固废资源安全处置与综合利用。


2018/07-  至今,西安科技大学,我院矿物加工系,副教授;  

2018/12- 2021/12,西安科技大学,矿业工程博士后流动站,博士后;





(1) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:铝硅矿物-气泡间液膜稳定/失稳与矿物界面位点性质的耦合机制研究(51904240)2020.01-2022.1225.0万元,主持;

(2) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:褐煤蒸发干燥过程汞的时空演化规律与高效捕集机制研究(2019M653877XB)2019.05-2021.128.0万元,主持;

(3) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目:微波预处理-磨矿强化煤中有害元素浮选脱除的基础研究(2020JQ-752)2020.01-2021.123.0万元,主持;

(4) 西安科技大学高层次人才支撑计划:煤炭洗选-干燥-热解过程中微量元素的环境效应(2018QDJ037)2018.7-2022.1250.0万元,主持;

(5) 西安科技大学学科高峰计划项目:煤及矿物浮选基础理论成果建设与提升(2019GG-2-14)2019.01-2019.1225.0万元,主持;

(6) 西安科技大学优秀青年科技基金项目:铝硅矿物-气泡相互作用过程中液膜薄化动力学及液膜失稳机制研究(2018YXQN024)2019.01-2021.125.0万元,主持;

(7) 煤炭加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室开放基金:低阶煤提质过程中有害元素的释放特性与污染防控研究(CPEUKF1904)2019.05-2020.123.0万元,主持;

(8) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目:煤炭洗选过程有害元素迁移转化规律研究(2014CB238905)2014.01-2018.1264.0万元,参与;

(9) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于机器视觉的煤中矿物赋存形态研究(51604271)2017.01-2019.1220.0万元,参与。

(10) 霍英东教育基金高等院校青年教师基金:基于显微组分选择性解离的西部高惰质组煤干法分质调控机制研究,2020.02-2023.0218.0万元,参与。


[1] Ningning Zhang, Anh V. Nguyen*, Changchun Zhou. A review of the surface features and properties, surfactant adsorption and floatability of four key minerals of diasporic bauxite resources. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2018(254): 56-75. (SCI,中科院一区,Top期刊,影响因子9.922)

[2] Ningning Zhang, Changchun Zhou*, Wencheng Xia, Anh V. Nguyen. Volatilization of mercury in coal during conventional and microwave drying and its potential guidance for environmental protection. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018(176): 1-6. (SCI,中科院一区,Top期刊,影响因子7.246)

[3] Ningning Zhang, Majid Ejtemaei*, Anh V. Nguyen, Changchun Zhou. XPS analysis of the surface chemistry of sulfuric acid-treated kaolinite and diaspore minerals with flotation reagents. Minerals Engineering, 2019, 136: 1-7. (SCI,中科院一区,Top期刊,影响因子3.795)

[4] Ningning Zhang, Anh V. Nguyen, Changchun Zhou*. Impact of interfacial Al- and Si-active sites on the electrokinetic properties, surfactant adsorption and floatability of diaspore and kaolinite minerals. Minerals Engineering, 2018(122): 258-266. (SCI,中科院一区,Top期刊,影响因子3.795)

[5] Ningning Zhang, Changchun Zhou*, Jinhe Pan, Wencheng Xia, Cheng Liu, Mengcheng Tang, Shanshan Cao. The response of diasporic-bauxite flotation to particle size based on flotation kinetic study and neural network simulation. Powder Technology, 2017(318):272-281. (SCIJCR 一区,Top期刊,影响因子4.142)

[6] Ningning Zhang, Changchun Zhou*, Cheng Liu, Jinhe Pan, Mengcheng Tang, Shanshan Cao, Changheng Ouyang, Changbin Peng. Effects of particle size on flotation parameters in the separation of diaspore and kaolinite. Powder Technology, 2017(317):253-263. (SCIJCR 一区,Top期刊,影响因子4.142)

[7] Ningning Zhang, Changchun Zhou*, Longfei Cong, Wenlong Cao, You Zhou. Semi-industrial experimental study on bauxite separation using cell-column integration process. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2016(23):7-15. (SCIJCR二区,影响因子1.713)

[8] Cheng Liu, Changchun Zhou*, Ningning Zhang*, Jinhe Pan, Shanshan Cao, Mengcheng Tang, Wanshun Ji, Tingting Hu. Modes of occurrence and partitioning behavior of trace elements during coal Preparation - A case study in Guizhou Province, China. Fuel, 2019, 243: 79-87. (SCI,中科院一区,Top期刊,影响因子5.578)

[9] Jinhe Pan, Changchun Zhou*, Cheng Liu, Mengcheng Tang, Shanshan Cao, Tingting Hu, Wanshun Ji, Yulin Luo, Mingzhong Wen, Ningning Zhang*. Modes of occurrence of rare earth elements in coal fly ash - a case study. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (9): 9738-9743. (SCIJCR 1区,影响因子3.421)

[10] Shanshan Cao, Changchun Zhou*, Jinhe Pan, Cheng Liu, Mengcheng Tang, Wanshun Ji, Tingting Hu, Ningning Zhang*. Study on influence factors of leaching of rare earth elements from coal fly ash. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (7): 8000-8005. (SCIJCR 1区,影响因子3.421)


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